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All you wanted to know about the different colours and meanings of Auras.

Ever wondered what that odd colour outline around somebody or something is? Well you might as well be a clairvoyant one and here is a guide for reading people and objects alike!



  • Highly Creative

  • Hard working; strives for perfection in everything

  • Very determined and down to earth at times

  • Will not allow fanciful dreams (low maintenance)

  • Does not dreams or think unrealistic ideas

  • Creative qualities; Gardening, Cooking, Home Decor

  • Fine eye for Beauty

  • Appearance of home and self are practical

  • most tend to be popular, admired, and respected

  • Very successful in Business

  • Creates Wealth and Prosperity

  • happiest when secured, stabile, and balanced

  • Very generous to those around and cared about

  • Very high loyalty and respected advice

  • Chooses friends wisely,

  • Very health conscious, diet is extremely nutritious

  • Intune with nature and outdoors



  • Gregarious, generous, and social souls

  • Wants to please others

  • Best gift givers

  • Thoughtful and generous

  • Good hearted, kind and honest virtues

  • Verys intune to the emotions of others; empathically feeling others pain and joy easily

  • Very charming, make everyone feel a easiness and calming

  • Can be quite hot headed and quick to lose temper

  • Equally quick to forgive and forget if a sincere apology is given

  • DOES NOT hold grudges

  • Mostly leads successful and happy lives

  • Some downfalls of orange auras can be: Impatient, rushes into projects, relationships and experiences

  • Normally acts than thinks and deals with consequences later



  • Enthusiastic and energetic

  • adventuristic

  • Adventurous in Culinary , travel and sex

  • Life Motto " I'll try anything once!"

  • quick to anger, short tempered

  • generous with their time

  • strong in body and mind

  • Does not succumb to physical pain or mental illnesses easily

  • bored easily, needs new projects and interactions constantly

  • Direct, and to the point

  • No beating around the formidable bush

  • not afraid to make their points and voice clear adn heard

  • No ulterior motives and hidden agendas, normally

  • What you see, is What you get!

  • needs to be #1

  • not good team players, usually the Lone Wolfe

  • Has a very hard time and mostly won't take orders from anything

  • Authoritative but hates Authority



  • Analytical, logical and Very intelligent

  • Excel in careers involving teaching and studying

  • excellent inventors and Scientists

  • tendency to work hard

  • Work comes before relationships

  • calmed and happy in their own company

  • They do not get lonely or suffer from loneliness

  • prone to mental health pressures

  • can become easily withdrawn and depressed

  • brilliant communicator, can display many skills in many environments

  • Confident in their abilities

  • very good observation abilities and noticing small discrepancies

  • Reads people easily

  • extremely high perception

  • Unorthodox and unconventional thinkers

  • not afraid to experiment with original ideas and concepts

  • Often seems eccentric to others

  • Unusual hobbies and interests

  • attracted to anything Avant Garde, intellectual, or unusual

  • Main flaw is Over Critical



  • loving and giving

  • Romantic of course

  • loves to be loved

  • gathered with friends and family quite often

  • Usually the host/hostess of family events and parties

  • Quite generous with their time

  • high regards for ones health

  • once they find their soulmate they will stay monogamous

  • natural healer, quite sensitive to the needs of others

  • strong psychic abilities

  • Very creative and strong imaginations

  • Great authors, writers, publishers, song-writers

  • hates injustice, poverty and conflicts

  • strives to always make the world a better place

  • makes personal sacrifices for the better of mankind

  • expects the same, can be very strong willed

  • highly disciplined, strong values and morals

  • very seldomly alleviates from them



  • Highly psychic

  • attuned to the emotions and moods of others

  • Very sensitive

  • mysterious and secretive

  • philosophical, enquiring and intuitive

  • loves to learn

  • never stops exploring

  • extremely interesting and knowledgeable


More to Be coming soon...

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