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Checkmate ;)

Well thanks to some amazing people, i found out who is hacking me and fucking with all of my online and offline stuff. One question, why? Do you really want to start this lol cuz I've been thru the worst that you can bring and it made me stronger, you ready to feel my wraith! I've played nice and never voiced my truth to protect hating ass bitches, and for what. You will get your comeuppance and when i do, trust, i will be the one smiling!! No remorse is what i will be giving for those who purposely tried to keep me quiet for their own benefit. Especially when my story might encourage millions of hurt people to speak their truth against the one who hurt them, physically and emotionally. You want WAR you got it, i found those sneaky hidden files, i found the exports and where they are going to. I also got all your shit laid bare, try me !! You must be terrified of my truth because its about to rip that pretentious mask off those two faces you have!! i warned ya and no i am not playing nice. Fire with fire. Call me crazy, but when the physical evidence shows, whats your go to than? I have more knowledge in my left ass cheek than you do in your whole ego-maniacal scared little soul. Sooooo happy my ritual is complete. a few months of prep and voila, by ash to ash and dust to dust, fuck with me i will do as I must. You started this and im finishing it. Hope you choke on that medicine you've been dishing out!! i just sent it all back. Have a nice time reaping what you sow :)

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