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Here we go...

Okay, okay, I know this is suppose to be a daily blog but maaaaaan, life has been out right messed up this last while. You might or might not know I suffer from extreme PTSD. What that entails is I do not perceive others actions or words as a normal person would. I see almost everything as an attack against me. Well I've been brushing alot off and just saying its in my mind... well ITS NOT!! I come on to check my website and my notifications have been checked and the SEOs changed. Basically making it so my website crashes :( I mean how sad and pathetic does one have to be to try and purposely destroy anything I am trying to build. I am not sorry my TRUTH hurts you, I am NOT sorry that you cant see me succeed, I am not sorry that you are so jealous and evil. Call me crazy ( i already do lol), but i do not see the point of personally destroying all my efforts to get my voice heard, unless you yourself are scared of the outcome. This past weekend was one of the lowest points from me. I realized that all my life I have been nothing but a "burden" on my so called "family". Do they not remember all the times I was there for them. How many times they would say they would be there for me but when I look nobody is around? And the ones that are, are calling me down and calling me a useless ****. Oh and this is all while I am facing the biggest battle ever, Cancer :( I have been through hell and back many many times. It should have made me indestructible but no it just made this heart of mine more sensitive and caring. There is enough evil and hate in the world, (i was brought up in the center of it). If you get in your feelings about this post, than ask yourself why. My voice will be silenced by the guilty ones fear anymore. I built this platform, this is my safe place to speak. If you want to deny me that, ask yourself why? What truth are you so afraid of, what skeletons are you hiding in your proverbial closet? I have been shown the evil of this world and yet all I want is good to prosper. What is your excuse, to be so greedy and malevolent? I can actually tell you that right now, its the pride and ego of a bigot. Who knows maybe my website one day will help a little girl speak out about her abusers before it damages her adulthood. maybe my website will help give others a push in the right direction. Could be for that new witchling, could be for a that free-thinker. I guess i answered myself again. Oppressors would not want freethinkers, dreamers, and believer running about. They might awaken the flock. Well there is some insight to why i have not been daily. Been dealing with physical, emotional, and technological issues.

I bid you a due

Falyn A Franz


Do something for someone else today, give a compliment to a stranger, donate some time to a cause, or just simply try to use your heart :)

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